Siana-Lea Gildard on Embracing her Heritage and Advocating for Others

The American Red Cross is committed to providing humanitarian services and embodying inclusive practices – a value that is even more significant in the context of Hispanic Heritage Month (which is celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in America). This year’s theme: Todos Somos, Somos Uno. We Are All, We Are One celebrates the strength of Latinos being a united community as well as a driving force for power, prosperity and progress.

We had the privilege to sit down and discuss with Siana-Lea Gildard, Regional Chief Development Officer of the Red Cross Central California Region, about her trajectory, the influence her work has left behind, and the crossroads of her humanitarian work and Hispanic heritage.

Siana’s journey with the Red Cross

In 2016, Siana joined the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region as the Director of Foundations after a career working with nonprofits. Her initial focus was on preparing the LA area for disasters, with a special emphasis on vulnerable populations. After three years of dedicated service, the opportunity arose for Siana to step into the role of Chief Development Officer in Central California, a position she has held for almost four years now. In this capacity, Siana leads a team of dedicated fundraisers that connect donors and supporters to Red Cross opportunities to help before, during and after disasters, as well as create safer and more prepared communities.

The influence of her Hispanic Heritage

Siana holds her Hispanic heritage in profound regard because it serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing and celebrating all communities and embracing one’s identity. Her heritage is a source of strength and inspiration, motivating her to promote inclusivity and diversity in her work.

With a mixed background that includes Mexican-American and Anglo-European heritage, Siana identifies more closely with her Mexican roots. Growing up in a Mexican family and marrying into one further immersed her in the rich culture. The adoption of two Mexican children deepened her connection, making her background an integral part of her life. This background profoundly influences her work, reminding her of the importance of serving those in need, especially those who may not have easy access to essential resources. Siana’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility is deeply rooted in her experiences as a parent.

Siana’s Hispanic heritage provides her with a unique perspective, shaped by her mixed background. This perspective influences her approach to work by underscoring the importance of serving all communities, particularly within the diverse geographical landscape of her region, where the Latino community holds great significance. Ensuring that individuals from these communities feel welcomed and valued is a top priority for her. She takes immense pride in witnessing the Red Cross’s commitment to Latino representation at the management level, understanding that true inclusivity amplifies their impact.

Her family’s impact

Siana’s parents are her most significant role models. Their deep involvement in the community, lack of judgment and genuine care for people, regardless of their circumstances, have shaped her values and instilled empathy within her.

One of Siana’s proudest life achievements is the adoption of her children. This journey involved extensive paperwork, extensive traveling and years of dedication. It was a life-changing experience that reflects her commitment to creating a better world.

“I would tell my younger self that all the hard work and dedication will pay off, even if it feels like progress is slow at times,” she shared.

Building a legacy of fairness and equality

Siana aspires for her legacy to reflect her dedication to making the world fairer and more equitable. Promoting fairness and equality is at the core of her values, ensuring that everyone is treated equitably.

“Fairness is the biggest value in life; Fairness means treating everyone equally, in whatever way needs be.”

Take a leap to get involved

Siana encourages others to get involved with the Red Cross or in their communities. There are numerous ways to contribute, from hands-on volunteer roles to fundraising and outreach efforts. Volunteers play a crucial role, and there are countless opportunities to find passion and share skills and time. The key is to discover what resonates with you, and within the Red Cross, you’ll find a wealth of opportunities.

“The key is to find what resonates with you, and with the Red Cross, you’ll discover a lot of opportunities.”

The significance of preparedness

Siana strongly advocates for preparedness and encourages others to take it seriously. Building an essential kit with supplies like a flashlight, first-aid materials, and ample water is vital. Being self-sufficient for at least 3-5 days is crucial.

Siana has witnessed the impact of unforeseen events and emphasizes the importance of preparedness. Additionally, she believes in serving all communities intentionally and extending efforts to diverse Latino communities and individuals from various backgrounds.

Siana’s dedication to inclusivity, preparedness and community service represents the Red Cross’s mission to alleviate suffering and create a more compassionate world. Her story serves as an inspiration to all, emphasizing the importance of embracing heritage and fostering diversity in our shared humanitarian efforts.

During National Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15 to October 15, the American Red Cross celebrates and honors the many Hispanic and Latino volunteers, donors and employees who make our lifesaving mission possible.

Written by Andrew De la Rosa, Communications Intern

One thought on “Siana-Lea Gildard on Embracing her Heritage and Advocating for Others

  1. Your blog featuring Siana-Lea Gildard is an inspiring testament to embracing one’s heritage and using it as a platform for advocacy. The personal narrative and dedication to positive change shine through, making it a powerful and uplifting read. A commendable piece that highlights the importance of individuals like Siana-Lea in creating meaningful impact. Well done!


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