From Evacuee to Volunteer, Kenya Deto Brings Comfort to Disaster Survivors

By Alison Votaw, Communications Volunteer

There’s one moment that Kenya will never forget – it’s the moment that inspired her to give back to the Red Cross. The “A-Rock Fire” in 1990 was an event that forever changed the course of Kenya’s life. It was the second-largest fire in the history of Yosemite, and it was the fire that brought Kenya and her family into contact with the Red Cross.

The impact of that experience still resonates with Kenya today, and it’s what motivates her to volunteer her time and resources to help others in need.

After being evacuated and having to cancel her son’s birthday plans, Kenya’s family was surprised with a fantastic birthday celebration put on by the Red Cross staff at the local shelter. Seeing her son surrounded by new friends, firefighters and even a helicopter, brought her heart joy. She walked away from this moment thinking “‘If I ever get the opportunity, I want to volunteer for the Red Cross.” To this day, Kenya believes it was the best birthday party her son has ever had.

“It makes me proud to be a part of this organization.”

After beginning her journey with the Red Cross, Kenya knew she made the right call. 

As a Red Cross volunteer Kenya uses her first-hand experience to relate and comfort evacuees. She has been deployed a number of times to local wildfires across Central California mountain ranges, as well as and to Southern Texas to support migrants.

Every time she volunteers, she witnesses firsthand the commitment and hard work of every volunteer who commits their time to the Red Cross.

Kenya’s first deployment was on the 2020 Creek Fire during the COVID-19 pandemic. She helped evacuees get a safe place to stay for the night and made sure they were taken care of for the remainder of their stay.  During the Oak Fire in 2022, she said many felt sad leaving the shelter because of the relationships they had built during their deployment with each other and with the residents. She hopes to continue volunteering with the Red Cross for as long as she’s able. 

For anyone considering if they should commit their time to the Red Cross, Kenya says “Go for it, it’s wonderful, we are all of the same mind, we’re all a family.” 

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